Emergency Service 24-7

PLEASE NOTE: Our Out of Hours service is currently run from our Truro practice, NOT Newquay

What to do in an EMERGENCY!?

If you are worried about your pet and would like to speak with a vet outside of ‘opening hours’ then phone us.
Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day; 01872 228873.
Outside of our ‘opening hours’ your call will be answered by one of our emergency team and the Vet on-call will call you back as soon as possible.

What can you expect?

One of our Vets will call you and triage your emergency.
If appropriate we will then give you a time to come into the practice for a consult and treatment.
If we think we can give you advice on the phone we will do. This is where our instant messaging and video calling app Petsapp is really handy, download it if you have not already!

What happens if my Pet needs to stay in?

If your pet is poorly it may need to be hospitalised in which case our team will be looking after them overnight*. We carry out our Out Of Hours service from our Truro branch, however for our Newquay clients, patients will be transferred to our Truro branch for overnight care.
We know how scary it is to have your pet away from home. We like to use our instant messaging platform Petsapp to send you photos and videos of them whilst they are enjoying their hotel butler service stay.


*Please note, there is not always a member of staff on site, but where constant monitoring or supervision is required this will be discussed with you at the time.

What will the cost be?

Our out of hours consult fees are more expensive than consults in the day.
Before 11pm our out of hours consult is £165.00 and after 11pm it is £185.00. If you are a member of our E365 club we offer a 20% discount on our emergency consult free prices.
If your pet needs a procedure or hospitalisation we will always run through all costs with you prior to admitting them into the practice. We will discuss the various options and prices before we make a collaborative plan for your pet, and will keep you updated on finances on a daily basis.